ADT Commercial - Projects

American Society of Plastic Surgeons - Marketing Pieces

Zeller Marketing and Design - Various Work

Zeller Fitness Personal Training - Branding and Website

Missions Printing Marketing Materials

MB Financial Bank Projects

ADT Security Projects

AANA Projects

LCP360 & Pinnacle Properties Case Study

Panoskin's Panobot - The Creation Process + Graphics

Panoskin Website UI Design

LCP360 3D Design Price Guide

LCP360 Holiday Party T-Shirt Design

LCP360 & G5 Partnership Marketing Brief

#LogoCore - Challenge 1 Alison Cosmetics

Susan G. Komen Friend of Komen Sponsorship Brochure

Susan G. Komen Chicago Stationary Set

Susan G. Komen Marketing Graphics (Email & Events)

Susan G. Komen Chicago Ad featured in Chicago Magazine

Susan G. Komen Ignite the Night Tribute Book

Susan G. Komen More Than Pink Billboard Campaign

Pulling Down the Moon Informational Brochure

Pulling Down the Moon Holiday General Mailer

Pulling Down the Moon Fertility Mailer

Outburst Student Portfolio Showcase Spring 2015 Theme

Cleveland's Walk and Dine Event Mailer

Tennis Professional Personal Branding Redesign